

Teach me how to
Reach for you
Watching as frozen walls
Tender shoots grew

Leap for joy!
See me climb?
Girl afraid to burn
Fear was never mine

Lift me up
Cherish the depleted
Give, hope, hold
Until love is undefeated

Ask me do I
Believe in love?
Was it everything
I was day-dreaming of?

But don’t lose hope
As I whisper uncertain
Just kiss me hard
My doubts to unburden

And watch me
As I reach for you
Just like you believed
I was meant to do

And tell me
You believe in love
And that it is everything
I was ever worthy of

Wait patiently
Never doubt
Listen! Hear!
My heart denounce

You taught me
How to reach for you
So I could believe
That love was true

And as I continue
To stumble and fall

Remember I’m always reaching
That thing you found me seeking
Until my unbroken heart can sway
Like an Ocean’s endless waves

To accept her lover’s call