Kurt Philip Behm

Thrice Denied (+6)

Searching through the forest,

chasing dreams your sleep has wagered


And finding yourself in the mindless

spatial wasteland


You play two-handed poker

with the devil of your fright


The Prince holding just one card,

as you gamble it all…


Forever promising:

“This hand will be your ticket out”


He deals chance from the bottom,

this third time to be the charm


Your hand is folded,

as the present fires upon the night


Hitting your fate dead center,

all that’s left in quicker sand


Drowning the last excuse

of your bloodless past refusals


Salvation left in full retreat

—all exits thrice denied


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)





To inflict on tomorrow,

the empty promises of fate


The will to reign indifferent

—the devil’s cruelest form of hate


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)




The Ink Is Calling


Suspended moments between the lines,

my mind now lost in space


Sublimated syntax buried deep,

my spirit free to race


A light unfiltered, the sound of horns,

my body starts to rise


The ink is calling, my pen in hand,

new words at last—arrive


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017) 



Into Their Hands


Dreams, like orphaned water lilies,

float across the surface


Ferrying my last token wish,

adrift—this silver pond


The swans make way,

as faith glides freely upon the wind


Carrying my fervent hopes

into this moment, present sent


Their petals weaving in the breeze,

to spin and turn as one


Silhouettes change and soften,

as the mirrored distance calls


Arriving at the far bank,

two children play and laugh together


With pant legs high and feet immersed,

splashing to and fro


Smiling to each other, their laughter

churns a magic torrent


As they reach into its spray,

and take my dream into their hands


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)



Not My Wound


I never wrote so you’d approve…

I wrote what I believe


How you felt as you read those words

—is not my wound to bleed


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)



To Be Alone


I go to the city

To be alone…


Calling me away

From myself

Isolating my


Burying my


In endless concrete

Passing 1000 people

Never meeting


Never meeting


Who will tell me

About myself

Never meeting


Who will tell me

What is real

Never meeting


Who will ask the question


In my darkest

Most confused


I go to the city

—to be alone


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)



Optimus Amicus


Is your best friend a dog,

a thesaurus is mine


As yours wags its tail

—mine forever sets me free


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)