His final words to the mirror…
“You must now set me free”
All time a reflection
—of what’s never to be
(Dreamsleep: August, 2019)
In the commercial age,
money captures time
Depleting awareness
—a prison unto itself
(Dreamsleep: August, 2019)
Neither Borrower Nor Lender Be
The past is left in mourning,
the future still unknown
The present disavows them both,
not borrowed—never loaned
(Dreamsleep: August, 2019)
Neither left wing nor right
conservative or liberal,
he goes about his day
Living outside the parameters
of deception,
hell in heavens way
While living as dead
he vanquishes time,
each moment present now
Defying your judgment
refusing to choose
—all limits disavowed
(Dreamsleep: August, 2019)