Poetic Dan

Nocturnal hour

Last night was a night full of memories
Going off to set a fire and play in the sea


Under the stars we sat with a violin & guitar
Two fireman came to check someones concerns


After radioing back reporting to was nothing but common sense
We continued with warming sandy toes into the next day


The boys used their built-in fire extinguishers, just for fun
As we smothered the last flames with stones knowing the tide will finish up


Strolling back past midnight all roads peaceful and safe
In the nocturnal hour nature sets us a different pace


Seeing life in the dark & the light
Showing all things have a place
When we slow down and listen
Giving the gifts we never had


This to me is being a parent
Memories fade in accessories
Nothing can be held out of a dream
I look forward to taking this life with me