Tom Wood

Remembrance of a Dream


Two pupils of black

Stare into my soul

And I shouldn’t stare back

But it’s much too late, now


You see, they’ve been watching

Ever since that dreadful day, I

Left my family for the world

Under a turning, revolving sky


What wonders ill the brain

Into believing foolish thing

But this bird is the devil, as

It brings me devilish things!


No rest has been acquired

By me, or by it

I’ll play, hide, shower, eat

I’ll just watch and sit


But never will it ever blink

And so, I do the same

I find myself prisoner

In this ludicrous birds game


“Let’s go, old friend,” it said to me

Together, we flew down the path

He took me inside his rusted gate

A view of a chaotic aftermath


Two pupils of black

Stare into my soul

And I shouldn’t stare back

But it’s much too late, now