Michael Edwards





Westminster bubble

Insular community

The people ignored.



For those outside the UK the Westminster Bubble is a euphemism for the collective group of Members of Parliament and civil servants who are often seen as being out of touch with the people they serve.

I wrote this short 575 in frustration with recent events regarding a short shut down of Parliament by the Prime Minister and the furore it has created within the bubble.

Back in 2016 the British Public voted to leave the European Union but those representing them in Parliament were and remain substantially opposed to the outcome. The vote was a simple one: to leave or stay, there were no preconditions such as a suitable deal over future trade with the Union, a good deal which does not compromise the outcome would be icing on the cake but a deal was never a precondition.

 Because of its overwhelming opposition to the outcome of the peoples vote Parliament then sought (and continues to seek) a deal with the EU as a precondition of leaving even though the deal currently on the table compromises the integrity of the vote which was underscored by the wish of the public to regain direct and total control of its laws and decision making.

Since the vote, our Members of Parliament have done all they can to thwart the outcome of the vote and have failed miserably to prepare the UK for life after the EU.  In order to forge a way forward the Prime Minister has determined to close Parliament for a few days.

This has prompted our arrogant and incompetent MPs to claim the action as undemocratic – the same MPs who have thus far abrogated their democratic responsibilities by defying the will of the people in delivering what is known as Brexit.