Tune: Regent Square
(\'Lord of beauty, thine the splendour\')
Revelation 1 v.12-20
John in glorious vision Christ saw
Midst seven candlesticks sure
They the churches where He present
To the lowly, penitent
Christ their Light, their candles burning
Unto Him their praises ring
Jesus, Son of man, in robe fine
He full human, full divine
Girded with a chest band golden
Worship before Him, all men* (*i.e. mankind)
His head and hairs they as wool white
He appears, dispels all night
His eyes as a flame of fire, see
He e\'er lives, reigns in glory
His feet like fine brass and burnished
In majesty He furnished
Voice as sound of many waters
Extend to earth\'s farthest shores
In His right hand there seven stars
All is holy there, none mars* (*spoils)
They the angels of the churches
Held in His hand, true is this
From His mouth a sharp two-edged sword
It be His eternal word
His countenance shining, blazing
As sun in its strength does bring
He the first and last, does e\'er live
Once for all His live did give
For our salvation, He was dead
Now lives e\'er, our risen Head
He has the keys of hell and death
His Spirit, life-giving breath
He Person of God* residing (*i.e the Holy Spirit)
In believers, they Him bring
Everlasting honours, tributes
His victories none refutes