What if Trump was really just a Trap…
Think about It, or let me explain in fact.
Since the Trump first started running for president.
A type started creeping out of their residence.
Those redneck types from the slave trade days,
At all his rallies screaming Make Murica Great Again.
They follow him like a dog follows it\'s master,
Though by law cannot bite therefore they just bark up.
They\'re noise makers really, trombones and trumpets
If ol Donald had a farm they would be Trump\'s Pets.
But imagine this, if you can envision..
Donald Trump, was only acting like a villain.
So certain whites show their true colours like Prisms.
You know how light splits into colours through a Prism?
Just Imagine, he was just bait and this...
Whole Trump rally was to find the racist\'s
You see how they treat non-whites let\'s face it
I mean they even agree with Adolf Hitler’s statements.
But to be fair, these are views from the outside,
For all that’s known Donald Trump may be a real nice guy.
Maybe this facade was only to create a perspective,
That he forgot to unmask once he got elected.
Doubt it.