Fay Slimm.

Today\'s Poem.





Today\'s Poem.


As my pen hovers above clean paper I ask
what elegance will awe me as light rouses
dawn to nature\'s sessions of fresh happenings.


Yet nothing I scribe could be half as exciting 
while in those first throws of morning\'s glory 
gray turns to mauve when the sun begins rising.


Then autumn\'s remaining red rose 
in petally gratitude for daylight 
as marigolds 
flutter their yellow and nod to 
one sparrow 
who lands on top of dew-wet 
geranium heads
and stops without any wobble
to slake a thirst.


Legs astride as he bends to sip my heart sighs 
in marvel at bird-agility then as tiny wings flail
feathers reflect to perfection sky\'s pale pink lighting.


Oh yes, he is today\'s poem I will try to write.