Gary Edward Geraci

Look Up Look Down All On Our Phones

Yes, this is just how things are.

Work today to pay this bill...

Touch to send, you seem so far.


Tap to text my words bizarre;

You’re within arm’s length - but still.

Yes, this is just how things are.


I’d write “say look up, that Star!”

“Can’t, my vision blurred, this pill.”

Touch to send, you seem so far.


The apartment paid, this car

Is new, the payment due still.

Yes, this is just how things are.


Avoid my best: a test or spar,

“I think I’m gonna be ill.”

Touch to send, you seem so far.


We’re separate we’re afar

All according to our will.

Yes, this is just how things are,

Touch to send, you seem so far.