
Deep Brown

Deep brown you look at me 

It\'s risky, I know

The warning signs are there

I\'m blind in my despair

I dive straight in

To the depth of your unknown

I slide straight through the charm

Am I welcome? It\'s unknown

I flutter my feet and stretch my neck

I fight to stay adrift

The depth is reaching

The fear, it\'s new

The warning bells keep ringing

The no entry signs stand true

I have maybe a minute no more

I am fair game to your abyss

Yet out of the darkness, an outstretched hand

Clasps around my own

I am warm I am safe

The deep brown is a face

Through the darkness

Slowly the secrets reveal

The trauma, the history

The joy, the passion

The person it beholds

Depth I\'ve not known

Such beauty in its truth

I am captured, I am claimed

My feet no longer flutter

For my heart has taken their place

Deep brown eyes

You lay your gaze upon me

Your depth is your doorway

The entry to your treasure

For your eyes they have captured me

and I\'ve drowned within your soul.