

You will find me waiting on my knees for you

Please tell me what it is you want from me

Is it the love within my heart

Is it the strength within my bones

Or is it the will within my mind

Or the peace within my soul

For you are the ultimate goal

We search across land and sea for you

Please tell me what it is you want from me

I will wait upon my knees for you

In twisted sheets of nightmares I will pray for you

In overwhelming crowds of confliction I will yearn for you

For you are the ultimate goal

You hear tales of the people who have found you

Fervent in their description of you

I can see it in their eyes

For they shine the light of you

They speak of having you all along

That it is the journey in finding you

That if I turn my gaze upon myself

You are already deep inside of me

Until my time

Until I find you

You will find me on my knees for you.