Tune: Richmond
(\'Fill thou my life, O Lord my God\')
\"What a man/woman is before God, that he/she is, and no more\"
Robert Murray McCheyne
See here, what I am true before
God, that I am, no more
No rituals, [nor] religiosity
Superior makes me
For sure my true identity
Found complete in Christ be
He be my salvation entire
My light, my bright day-star
A sinner forgiven by grace
By faith I see God\'s grace
In Christ, His Son, the holy one
Redemption work has done
For laws are made, and ten commands
I meet not their demands
For I, as all, fall short, so be
Of God\'s perfect glory
Yet staying not in shame or fear
Nor guilt, His presence near
To help, to save, to sanctify
As I to Him draw nigh
Stain of sins washed away, it rust
In Christ\'s blood , though I dust
He lived, He died, then rose again
The Saviour for all men (mankind)