
Goodbye Sad Girl

It is hard to erase the harsh lines drawn by a charcoal pencil on a pure white piece of paper.

They have broken me, it all has broken me

No, let’s not point any fingers

I’ve been the one burning a gas stove in a room with no windows or doors

I was the one who promised myself I’d never let them get the best of me. So how did I allow myself to let you all win? This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.

He wasn’t the only one that ripped my spirit straight out of my flesh

She wasn’t the only one that watched me sink because I wanted her to feel at her best

It wasn’t the only time you were thrown in a pit of quicksand with no vines to hold on to

I was 18 when I noticed the girl that once lived inside of me was slowly separating herself from my corpse

I tried to stop her, I promise I tried to stop her.

In all my efforts to get her to stay, my self induced toxins have blurred her away

Maybe if you didn’t worry about the her’s, him’s, and it’s maybe you wouldn’t have driven yourself so sick

But it’s okay the deed is done, don’t be sad

Then and only then, you have let them won

Do you really want to look them in the eye holding up a white flag like the surrender of some pathetic battle?

There is a girl who has been waiting for you to find your way back to her

I think It’s time for you to love yourself again