
Between Scylla and Charybdis

Greek mythological

drama flourishes,

nee thrives within

noggin of yours truly

gods and goddesses

sporting Hellenic origins

purportedly cavort


rampantly running ragged

ruminative raconteur

resultant rueful end product

wreckage of present day me

chafing amidst yesteryear\'s adversities

shadow boxing doppelganger nemesis

fetus in fetu maintaining stranglehold

choking ability to breathe

unsuccessful roundup eradication

resultant mailer daemons

ruling the roost

time and again professional

therapy exorcised futility

psyche plagued with said

crudely sketched hobgoblins

permanently lodged within

fifty plus shades gray matter

mein kampf analogous to siege

and/or civil war

abductor and hostage

terrorist versus negotiators

one and the same person


ideal fecund environment

irresistible nasty brutes

unwilling to forsake

golden opportunity

passive languishing helpless

antisocial bumbling creature

mandate decreed heir extinguished

sentenced eventually commuted

life without parole lifetime

metaphorically imprisoned harsh

punishment solitary confinement

crime synonymous equalled

chance happenstance ovulation

nsync with seminal linkedin

fertilization, impregnation, parturition

essentially random appalling dice throw

courtesy biological roulette

automatic defacto malefactor

abstractly describes lifelong

condemnation, humiliation, ostracization

hence if nothing else

no shortage writing material.