Poetic Dan

I was not ready for this

Patterns of nature, we are nothing but learnt behaviour


This is why it took so long for my first thought to stop being, slap ya!


From my environment to the transmit vibration vision, violence was the biggest projection


To the point we become the pattern ourselves, blame backing all show and tell


Intellect finding every way to make sense of the reality to our senses, all while the rest passes us by.


Memories are not stored in the brain, the mind is not a machine that never gets an upgrade.


Life is way more than we could ever comprehend, as precise as we make the tools to dissect its only more questions that never end


The only answer is the responsibility in self reflection, all things change and so will our actions.


Once we understand we are all in this together, violence will become unheard off as we break the chains of previous patterns.

I\'m stuck and I\'m lost, think I left them to defend for them self


They say that\'s life and kids will be kids but what happened to me I didn\'t want for them.


Yet I\'m sat having to watch my daughter use her phone video as defence, as tension grew between young impressionable brains.


As she ran down the street I\'m so glad I knew she was already at home, as this could of be the last ever video.


This cycle we repeat thinking is not our responsibility will never create a harmonious society.


Is there a cure for the human condition that needlessly enjoys their creation of fear and intimidation.


I have my answer it\'s called alienation, to educate ourselves removing the complacent. The school system belongs back in the 1900s, with those that can\'t see their environment needs an adjustment.


You think it\'s all games and fun right now, but wait for the lessons life will hand out.


So you haven\'t been bullied your head of the pack but will you still stand tall at a friends funeral.


The joyrider you thought you\'d see again, or the closer friend making late night deliveries.
How about the friend that got punched to hard or the one that took to many drugs. Then there is one really great soul that will take their own life leave behind her kids, all because she couldn\'t escape her thoughts.


If that doesn\'t get you try the heart breaking when find out your child didn\'t make it, then to feel all times you took life for granted.


See we can only keep saying a fire is hot, till it burns you and you know. life has plenty of bad moments and if I could educate the youth on one thing it would be this....


Don\'t bully each other when life is already going to give you a ride, enjoy this journey it\'s your time.