Call me S

Summer love

I kissed him first under beautifully bruised skies

Ships’ lights on the water reflected in his clear blue eyes

He traced my face, his hand touched mine

I felt our fingers intertwine

It was like I’d seen him for the first time

those clear blue eyes, lips so divine.

I shivered as my lips met his

My body confirming my mind’s bliss.

I kissed him under that beautiful bruised sky

The balmy breeze making our tongues fly

With soft yet urgent lips we discovered each other

The face of a friend, the hands of a lover

As his fingers danced along my skin

I wondered how I had ever been

without his touch, without his kiss

Now I could never be, knowing it felt like this.

All nature became an aphrodisiac

As pink, orange, purple turned to black.

We came alive under that magical sky

the stars a microcosm of the sparkle in my eye

In his arms, I knew only one thing for sure

Everything had changed, everything was more.