Aa Harvey





From the darkness comes a sound.

A heavy footstep on the ground.

The Earth it shakes and twigs are heard to break

And all the animals quickly run away.



From the shadows there comes a growl,

From a beast so deadly foul.

It moves so slowly as it prowls,

In search of something to kill; its face a picture of scowl.



Within the trees it is camouflaged.

It blends into the background

And from the jungle there comes an “arggh!”

A man to death is eternally bound.



The claws that rip and tear at skin,

Before the teeth sink deeply in,

To such soft flesh; the touch of death

And at the end there is little left,

To ever say man stood at this point.

The bones skinned bare of muscle on joints.

All that remains is the sleeping tiger, next to a pool of blood.

He is the lone survivor, for this is his neighbourhood.



Later as the tiger leaves,

The remains remain hidden behind the trees

And all that was, is no more.

All that is left are the prints of the paws,

That lead away through leaves of green.

A broken path is all that is left to be seen.



(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.