Aa Harvey

Word is

Word is



You have to write bad poetry to learn from your mistakes.

If you cannot think of anything to write right now…

Then wait.

Inspiration will find you and take over your spirit.

Just give it a second.  Try and you will feel it.



The immense wave of goodness, filling your soul with joy or anger.

Hold it in or let it go, but do not just let it pass you on by;

That would be called dropping a clanger.

You may never think of a better line,

So write like it’s the only poem you have ever written;

The best thing from your time.



This is no time for nonchalance.

Dive on in;

See what you can find beneath the surface.

Write it now or never word it.

The choice is yours.

I chose how to word this.



(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.