
Suicide Story

“Don’t look at me!” He said, “why?” I responded,
Then he shunned a second time, to start his absconding,
I ran, to catch up with him, to ask him a second time,
His eyes, turned to daggers, and told me of my crime.

Those eyes blurted, “I want to be alone, can’t you see?
Though I bleed inside, I do not need your company,
For this torment is mine, it’s nothing I want to share,
But here you are, with swift wings, ready for a scare,
You’re one of those, wanting things to have meaning,
But I’m not like you, so don’t say my choice’s demeaning,
If you want to walk in my shoes, then do come with me,
Let’s see what you’re made of, you blind busy body!”

With facetious grip, he takes my hand, leads me to a bridge,
To contemplate the dark thing, precariously over ridge,
He seemed to look dumbfounded, with my lack of reaction,
His plan to shock me, had back fired, thus mental traction.

“You’re not alone in this friend” I summon up some words,
“I too have come to such a place, to think of the absurd,
Compiling a survey of questions, that I dared not to ask,
Tears of blood running down my face, my overthinking task,
But then those questions became obsolete, I put them aside,
As I chose to fight that day, so friend in me, you can confide,
Your pain, shows me you love; thus, it’ll be such a waste,
With your lips blue, your body cold, and in a plastic case,
You said you wanted solitude, but we’re in conversation,
Means I hope you’ve reassessed, this horrid situation,
Instead of the drink drinking you, let us sip indoors,
Where the hearth sings it song, with ever present warmth.”

His eyes no longer daggers, but moist with joyful tears,
“No-one has been so kind to me, in so many, many years,
I thank you for your candour, now my end will be happy,
I still need to escape this world, that has become too shoddy,
Let me tell you friend, you are not the cause of my demise,
But the kind light I’ve been looking for, before my soul does rise,
I will ask unto him, to reserve your place right next to mine,
For our dialogue, your concern, this day, has truly been sublime!”

His grip loosened, then he fell, I let out my vehement scream,
That decayed down into the abyss, of this deathly stream,
My tear ducts, became aqueducts, I turned into a waterfall,
Tears of frustration and of horror, that stated my appal,
After a while, something in my brain, began its potent thrash,
Birthing a new dilemma, that asked “did I hear a splash?”