
The Greatest Love

What warms my heart more than any other

The life I am living as a mother

When I hear those sweet words momma, mommy or mom however they are called out

My heart feels overwhelming love, no doubt

How cherished your smiles with glistening sparkle in your eyes

It makes me a whole women to see them, complete, with love that never dies

Do grow little miracles into the rockstars you will become

I know you too will find your way as One

If I could give you the world I would surely always try

When I feel your sweet arms around me I am beyond any limits of the sky

If you ever need a blanket or a fort to hide

Do not forget your momma will be here forever by your side

If only in sweet whispers to your soul

Once my physical time with Mother Earth has transpired

I will still remain in the background of your memories helping keep you inspired

You are a breath of life greater than any I’ve known

You’ll always be my babies even after you are grown
