You think you are so special
That you get what you want
Because you\'re quiet
Smile and say please
You are not special
You are a coward
Selfish and mean
For months you lead me on
Made me feel loved
Let me believe
That you were so much greater
You tore my heart out
I loved you
And you burned me to the ground
You say that you feel bad
You wish you could help
But you are a liar
What you really mean
Is that you are not done
You\'re not done using me
You don\'t want me
But you want my body
You already know my answer
Still you persist
You bribe me
Even though you know my story
You know what I need
You know there\'s always a price
I wasn\'t worthy
To be your love
But I\'m sufficient enough
To be your whore
How could you ask me
To do something like that
After everything you know
Still you ask
You show me the cash
And I know that I need it
But I don\'t want it
Not like this
Did you forget
Everything I told you
You are not my client
You are an ex-boyfriend
A coward
A no-one
And I am not your whore