Poetic Dan

Write on your own wall, I will not fall

I started writing because I\'d had enough
All my thoughts were get tangled up


Lost within a vision of my inner world
Mixed-up by the thoughts of yours as well


Then came the relief of saying what I want, any emotion or cry was mine to own


Nothing to fear on how people would respond, I had so much to live for but didn\'t want to carry on


After reading others souls I felt I was not alone, so many words from others looking to just express their self.


I still have the issue when I can\'t let go of others feeding their own agenda and goal.


If you have nothing nice to say you should say nothing at all, look at your own baggage and write on your wall.


I don\'t sing, paint or do performance art but I like to give all, every inch of my heart.


Nothing is overrated and corruption will never end, until we passionately take responsibility of each word we project!


For as easy as it is when a few words can inspire and bring hope, it also only takes a few to make thin or cut that rope.


If you never learned or got shown how to fly, climbing and living on cliffs is all that\'s in the mind.


All journeys are our own
A path for us to roam
Be mindful as you do
No one is just like you