
Only past and future moments exist

Impossible mission to pinpoint present

such fleeting moment instantaneously spent

according to yours truly i.e. this gent

mind boggled, intrigued, stymied...

courtesy unseen minute

(mine hoot, minoot, my newt...) agent

provocateur stealing every precious second,

whether or not satisfactorily spent

time thief absconds with

most treasured commodity

nary tell tale sign,

where he/she went

allegedly, inscrutably, seemingly...

robbing in plain sight fervent

as greased lightning

ramping, stepping, ticking up

blithely skedaddling across firmament

ratcheting frenzied temperament

upon psyche – regarding current

temporary soul searching resident

unstoppably speeding, jetting, barreling...

trigonometrically calculating tangent

severely distorted against

turbulent kaleidoscopic hallucinatory

backdrop – centripetal/centrifugal adjacent

forces compressing body electric

elongating flesh beyond infinity

diaphanous corporeal essence rent

asunder obviously self evident

Ahab bin to theorize

Pequod now to thee extent

overactive imagination lent

allows, enables, and provides

poetic license allotment

extemporizing this entire extent

stretching corpus callosum

to breaking point as well cogent

continuity fractured no different

than usual literary pablum

wariness cautionary brief adage,

when traipsing thru apparent

gobbledygook on par with

puttering around greenacres,

vis vis equivalent

ensnared within wide

webbed whirled sand trap event

chilly eroded Earth\'s landmasses

made of rocks and minerals

bajillion years metamorphosis refulgent

glistening silicon dioxide

in form of quartz

feldspar and mica supplement

granules ergo timeless saga never ends

or begins analogous

to Möbius strip lambent.