What Have You Done?

What have you done?

Thinks can be broken

Pieces can be glued together

But the cracks still show.


Yes cuts heal

Yes some scars fade

But the ones that are too deep

They stay forever.


Did you not realize how deep you were cutting?

If not cutting at all?

Did you think the tears were that of a yawn?

No. They were that of pain.


You loved her longer than you let it be known.

Longer than you even knew at first.

The thought of her brought a deadly sin.


But light turned that lust into love.


You fell in love with her voice as she walked uphill to fulfill her dreams.

You fell in love with her laugh.

In love with her smell before she returned to her life a far.

Was this not the sign you needed?


The sign to open your eyes and treat her how she should be treated.

Not how you felt she should be.

The sign to let love conquer fear.

Fear of what might happen before it had the chance to happen.


She told you you have a chance.

But to not get hopeful.

But how could you not?

When hope is the last thing you can have in times of darkness.


You hope that it’s a real chance.

Not a silly community chest.

Because her heart is not something you can buy in this monopoly of love.

Her heart is something fragile.


Something fragile.

Something you already broke.

Among other things.

Trust. Confidence. Love.


You know there’s a way to right your wrongs.

You just need to open your eyes.

Your ears.



She’s not a book.

She’s a blessing.

A blessing you cannot question.

That you can’t take for granted.


So yes. You may right your wrongs.

But can you make up for the shards of her heart that you could not find.

That you could not glue together.

That you didn’t glue together.


The pieces you left her to fix.

Because of your fears.

Because of your cluelessness.

Because you played the worst cards.


You were nothing but a joker to your queen of hearts.

A pawn in your own mind when you thought you were her king.

A guinea pig to her lioness.

A joke.


You dimmed her light

And made it so SHE had to relight her state of peace.

When you were supposed to guard it.

Make sure nothing blew the candle out.


You blew it out.

You blew it.

And you hold onto her candle.

Promising to bring flame back to her love.


But are you sure you can do it?

You did cut too deep.

You extinguished the flame.



You hold on.

Because you can’t stand the thought of her gone.

But you know.

That it’ll hurt to see her leave.

But it’ll be better to see her happy again.


You hold onto that possibility

That things can be okay.

But if you got together...

Will it be the same?


It’s hurts your pride to tell her how you feel.

But you still need to.

But why is that?


Because she cares.

Despite the cuts and bruises

She continues to battle.

For YOU....

Something you never did.


You tried to avoid the results of war

Before it even started.

You tried to protect something from pain.

From danger.


But when you protect something too closely.

Too soon.

Without reason.

You smother it.


So can you fix it?

Can you be a king to your queen?

A guard from wind for her candle?

Only you can determine that.

And time will tell....