Alan .S. Jeeves

Quam tempus fugit

You watch it haste and watch it fly,

Why try espy it flashing by?

Now you see it, now you don\'t,

Then you heard it ~ now you wont.


First it\'s here and then it\'s gone,

Much the same for everyone.

Like a cloud high in the air

Glance once more and it\'s not there.


Like a bubble drifting past,

though you know it cannot last.

A tranquil breeze, the bubble stops ~

Attempt to touch! the bubble pops.


Where it stems from no one knows;

No one sees to where it goes.

You know it\'s there but you can\'t find...

As not a trace it leaves behind.


But man can\'t beat this mighty force,

To try and try he\'ll fail, of course;

He\'ll never grasp the wheres and whys

Quam tempus fugit ~ how time flies.

