Jose Radin Llorca Garduque

My Poems 51 - 75


My 8th Leaf


Picked thee from high place

Meters from its base

Now the longest one

Note’s page overspan

It’s a bamboo leaf


Students – sports players

-And stage performers

From InterCapSU

Just said “Bye, bye you”

Towards Home-Sweet-Home


September last day

While bus on delay

Road’s bit so rocky

Blurred air was dusty

Sun has just set


On bus “Marienelle”

Beside window sill

On Sigma somewhere?

A highschool near there

Dumarao coming


Processed Salingsing

Papers to Ma’am Bing

Bought books, inks, CDs

Went to Ma’am Gomez

Somehow busy day.


-09/30 – 10/01/2011


*My Toladas Collection



My 9th Leaf


Got thee from small vase

Old décor replace

Host plant of 1st Leaf

Thrown away no grief

Diff’rent “fortune” plant


Planted by father

Installed there after

I was there when placed

A little so fazed

First leaf’s host no more


Third day October

Sunset was nearer

While feeling not well

I’m under cold spell

Drinking I fruit juice


Just inside our house

Living room, oh browse

On vase first leaf was

‘Lil water still has

Buddhas adjacent


Simple day only

Not planned – truthfully

Just went to Passi

Withdrew some money

Wilted 1st Leaf host.




*My Toladas Collection



My 10th Leaf


Culled thee from a bunch

Of décor for lunch

Pinned on half plant trunk

With flowers in rank

Another “fortune”!


Students & teachers

Servants & masters

Congman. Haresco

Gov. V.A. Tanco

CapSU guests, members


October Fifteen

29th Foundin’

Dumarao’s CapSU

And Gov’s Birthday too

Luncheon at noon


On Tanco Resort

No food was short

Ten long tables

Skirtings on ripples

Drinks here & there too


It is memorial

I hope not final

Almost one year here

First shake hands Gov. dear

Onwards Thirtieth!




*My Toladas Collection



Ode to the Flower of October 2011


Got thee on Foundation Day

Twenty-nine years our school stay


Worth to remember indeed

It must be something to heed

                                                      One year past, I was there last         

But joined event, not yet must

Because on that time before

I was not yet a member


But this time can’t imagine

This occasion I’m now in

Last year I was also there

CapSU-Dumarao dreamer

On that time just applying

Too Gaisano opening


Oh this flower’s memorial

My bio’s historical

First shake hand with Gov. Tanco

Saw Congressman Haresco


Got thee just after my lunch

At Tanco Resort – from bunch.




*Ode to the 7 Flowers of 2011



My 11th Leaf


Rended thee from herb

Released from thy curb

Curative floral

Sure medicinal



Our neighbor nearest

Uncle for me best

Tatay’s next brother

To me godfather

Nice Dudoy Etic


This night near nine, ten

This day – eleven

This month – eleven

This year - eleven

Brown-out, full moon bright


Dudoy Etic’s fence

Outside adjacence

Rare luminescence

Utter silence

Almost front gate’s door


Enroll I finish

MAT English

Salingsing polish

Begin fitness wish

Saw Iglot first last!




*My Toladas Collection



My 12th Leaf


Picked thee from a vine

Name unknown to mine

Hanging on the air

To passersby bare

What plant are you? Tell!


Men on middle age

Girls looking teenage

Those men were standing

The girls were walking

Strangers on the road


Nineteenth November

From class just after

Fine day – sun was high

Filamer bye bye

Was about to climb


Overpass school zone

Traversed all alone

Trellis – on school side

Opposite – trike ride

And novelty store


Sat. class first time me

English MAT

Night – Ante Mily

Came from UAE

Twelfth Leaf memory.




*My Toladas Collection



My Prayer Against the 7 Deadly Sins


Lord, abet me put aside

The vain and frivolous pride

I nurture within me inside


Lord, do not allow to seed

Vicious barnacles of greed

Eventhough I am in need


Lord, erase the vanity

Revealed by mask of envy

Searing me to atrophy


Lord, shield me from glaring gust

Of humid, temperate lust

For it taints my soul with rust


Lord, allow not to gather

In my heart and mind anger

Make it lag, take it faster


Lord, let me not be clumsy

Due to frisky gluttony

Horror of obesity


Lord, shun me from insolence

Brought by putrid indolence

Rip this slough of negligence.




*reflective mood



Pag-asa ng Tanga


Inulo ang bato

Nabasag ang bungo


Lumukso sa laot

Pating humablot


Sa bangin tumalon

Kalansay umambon


Naglaro sa apoy

Napaso, tumaghoy


Humawak sa kidlat

Nalitson ang balat


‘Yan ang napapala

Ng tulad kong tanga


Dulot ng tadhana

O tangi mang likha


Maibalik pa kaya

Katawang luray na?


Diyos lang ang pag-asa

Ng tangang buhay pa.







Muni-Muni ng Guni-Guni


Wala nang piglas sa bakal na gapos

Gigil na pangil ‘di pigil pagyapos

Poot ay lubusan kong natatalos


Kahit patuloy paring minumulto

Ng anino ng pumariwarang pagkatao

Huwag pong ikukubli mahabaging puso


Kahit ako’y salat na sa lakas

Dahil sa mga sugat ng nakalipas

Huwag po tutulutan na tuluyang malagas


Ako’y nakikinig sa pagbasa ng sentensiya

Mga tenga’y bukas, piniringan man mga mata

Dustain man sa yamot, sa away Mo’y tiwala


Talim ng ‘yong dila sa puso tusok

Mga aral nito’y pinapapasok

Sa bulwagan ng diwang ‘di pa bulok.




*sentimental mood



Ode to God the Father


Almighty God Creator

Only You whom we adore

Other gods – there is no more!


When everything was nothing

Already there existing

Beginning of beginning


And when everything was born

Then nothingness Thee adorn

Thy sake was never forlorn


As civilizations thrive

New generations arrive

Alongwith them, Thee survive


While everything continues

Thy omnipresence subdues

All existence it imbues


Thy prowess shall still extend

All faults and flaws, still Ye mend

Until Thy creations end!




*First Incubus Collection



Ode to God the Son


Almighty God our Savior

You deserve our great honor

Your mercy is Thy splendor!


Human form of God up there

Teacher, doctor, messenger

Manifest divine power


Like us, He eats, walks and sleeps

Laughs, gets angry, even weeps

Feet get hurt while tending sheeps


Being listened to and mocked

Believed, received, deceived, knocked

Driven-delayed, hastened-cocked


Subjected to mortal loss

Whose bones, flesh and blood compose

Sweat, tear, pain and timed repose


While Satan here still survives

With us to whom he connives

We’ll wait ‘til Jesus arrives!




*First Incubus Collection



Ode to God the Holy Spirit


Almighty God our Watcher

We bow to You forever

You’re alone our prime master!


Thy breath is source of our life

Thy light spurs our sacred strife

Thy grace eternally rife


Thy wings spread all throughout

The universe which Thee clout

Against prying evil’s snout


Thy eyes constantly watchful

On everything deem sinful

For Thy righteousness must rule


Thy words are like swords of fire

Striking pain on wrong desire

Useful virtue we acquire


God’s manifest of control

Fill with goodness every soul

Steer us, Your faithful people!




*First Incubus Collection



Three Charms of Luz-Vi-Minda Against Spain


She’s Luz-Vi-Minda

Priestess of Asia

When incubus harms

She takes out her charms…


Behold! Jose Rizal

Our hero national

Poet, doctor, researcher

Farmer, herder, school-builder

Fought Spaniards with paper and pen

Luzon’s charm – noblest of our men!


Behold! Lapu-Lapu!

Defender of Cebu

First terror of invaders

Famed Magellan’s death renders

Rammed Spaniards with native bolo

Visayas’ charm – quaintest hero!


Behold! Purmassuri!

Awesome Muslim lady

Wise heroine of Sulu

Foreigners cannot subdue

Disturbed Spaniards so tribesmen won

Mindanao’s charm – enemies thrown!




*First Incubus Collection



West is Blue, East is Red, Philippines is Yellow


Go out when the sun sets

Watch birds return to nests

When fishermen end quests

                                                        And farmers leave harvests                         

The time everyone rests

So now face to the West

See and feel where it’s best

Comfort is its behest

Blue – wall stars of U.S.

Blue – sea and sky conquest!


Go out when the sun rises

Witness birds begin quests

When fishermen cast nets

And farmers ready chests

The hour of work begets

So now turn to the East

Human faith melts mist

Red – motif of China

Red – worker’s insignia!


Go out when the sun’s highest

When shadows are shortest

Temperature’s hottest

Celestial lights brightest

Festive moment its best

Yellow – Philippine Sun

Yellow – EDSA One!


Philippines – now behold

People – not blue and cold

Culture – not red and bold


Our nation’s not that old

New age ‘bout to unfold

Glaring – yellow – sheer gold!




*First Incubus Collection



The Path of Our Nation


Hey foreigner!

Search the world map

Find shapes, don’t nap

Dog’s sitting there!


West – Pacific

Orient facing

Seems West guarding

Though Asiatic.


Blacks – first people

Browns – main settlers

Whites – once rulers

Peopling simple.


Asia’s old friend

China, India

And Arabia

But West to rend.


Heel Islamized

Yet, Spaniards came

And made it tame

Rest Christianized.



First Asian pet

New rule beget

Foreigners pass.


When the dog’s free

From charms of boss

Suffered weight loss

Makes self hungry.


But, its puppies

Away from thee

Fills their tummy

Return booties.


When stocks will store

Wisely by host

Future’s not lost

New things explore.


Filipino –

The “World’s Servant”

Role’s important

Yellow halo!




*First Incubus Collection




Plants and Animals of Earth


Earth is evergreen

With plants surrounding

Often medicine

To flesh corrupting


Earth is always round

With faunas roaming

Free, settled, bound

Eco they’re balancing


Plants and animals

Without them we’re gone

They’re here before us

They must not be gone.




*First Incubus Collection



The Elements of Life


Earth – this solid mass

Eversince holds us

We’ll never escape

From its tightened rape


Water – this solvent

Makes life sufficient

Cleans and occupies

Dwindles, fall and rise


Air – this loosened gas

Fills empty areas

Allows respiration

Triggers production.




*First Incubus Collection



I Want to be One with Nature


I want to be in paradise on earth

Free from all disgusting man-made dirt.


Roll on grasses

With no itches

Soak in water

‘Til I’m cleaner

Breathe the fresh air

Shun all despair!


Make me one with God’s prior creations

Filtering all worldly pollutions.


Sleep with the beasts

Feel them at least

Swim with fishes

Cleanse blemishes

Fly with the birds

Clouds we traverse!


Because I want to be one with nature

Making slower my mortal rupture.




*First Incubus Collection



My Memories of Las Piñas


Las Piñas  - memories sweet

Soul was innocent and neat


I miss the friends of childhood

The closeness of neighborhood


It’s where I learned ABC

Twinkle Stars and 123


I miss the townhouse playground

My afternoon hang around


With Jay, Fritz, Toto, Len-Len

Yobi, Cyrene…more than ten


It’s nice when night was brownout

My friends and I would play out


After church mass, family

SM Southmall was hobby


When Holy Week was around

Night film showing on playground


Also on time of summer

Neighbors resort together


When it’s Christmas eve and night

Flood the gifts from left and right


Best is every New Year’s eve

Night’s merriest street party


Visit kin both side parents

Those another excitements


Oh Casimiro Townhomes

I should have never left you!




*First Incubus Collection



My Life in Dumarao


Dumarao – teen and adult abode

Where memories are both good and bad


My gratefulness when I received from thee

School honor garnered unexpectedly


But in exchange I got few friends only

Who later dwindled ‘til I was lonely


Our improved house resembling a prison

My routine changed, I was in derision


The field not ours was developed further

Without buying it from the landowner


Father’s money were quickly exhausted

Everynight’s like party – glasses toasted


Foods that we should eat – to animals fed

Chickens, pigs, pigeons, goats…later were dead


So there emerged our sari-sari store

Which I needed also to take care for


Time for fun, highschool gimmicks – missed a lot

To redeem my lost school honor I plot


Yet, all in vain, worse, my batch had fallen

In school competitions where we should win


After all, tragic OLSI memory

Taught me never again to be bossy


And when I was already in UP

My vow in life was full humility


On class days, I learned a lot in Miagao

On weekends, I went back to Dumarao


Where life was still and moving in slow pace

So when I thought I was behind the race


Worked even before I marched from college

On government office even low wage


Not disappointed, but discontented

To Metro Manila I bravely fled


Tutor in Korean Academy

Not fired, not resigned, left job abruptly


At those times of blatant stupidity

To home once again with my family


Maybe fate wants me to be here

Dumarao’s love for me may be sincere


And I think I’m also loving thee now

If our love fails again, there’s broken vow


Now, your weakness I slowly understand

My test of faith I patiently withstand.




*First Incubus Collection



What I Missed from School


If I’ve been not in school

Surely I missed a lot

Not only the brain tool


I’ll point to the people

Whose influence could make

Life more valuable


Were they my teachers?

And/or my classmates

Or other superiors?


They could be among them

Those whose passion, talents

Skills, likes – with me the same


They were also the ones

Whose dreams and ambitions

Could be also my wants


Was afraid to reveal

What are truest in me

Harder still to conceal.




*First Incubus Collection



My Father


My Father, like the usual other

Wants to show he is a hardowrker


I know his rags-to-money story

And money-to-rags tragedy


When I began to be world conscious

His presence I consider precious


When still a child I never sleep

When he’s not yet hope from work and trip


I even used to take a night bath

To welcome him back


And I’ll smell good when he kisses me

Shaved beard, moustache – my cheeks make itchy


Yet, I was always excited ‘coz

There’s always a pasalubong dose


Gatorade, Chokolait, other drinks

Canned Bear Brand – we chill and drink contest


After Sunday Mass in Five Wounds Church

He would buy me goto and Yakult


I missed too his ‘pinapaitan”

While in Las Piñas was the last one


When Angel and SM Southmall born

Jollibee was Sunday hour sojourn


What I only hate during weekends

I was tasked to pick his white hair strands


Once he told me tales of Dumarao

And when we’re already here now


I felt a little bit of jealous

To my cousins whom he seemed so close


Worse, I was annoyed of his hobbies

Which for me, costly, can cause disease


I succeed not to follow his flaw

Thanks God who understands I forgo


Whatever bad things I have in me

Have done to others and/or Thee


It’s not my father’s fault anymore

So God please save him from dishonor


For I still love Tatay with all my heart!




*First Incubus Collection



My Mother


My Mother, maybe like the others

Is conscious in family matters


I know her rags-to-money story

And money-to-rags-tragedy


When I began to be world conscious

Her presence – I was sometimes anxious


For she used to be irritable

Making my simple flaws terrible


Occasionally, she shouts at me

Eventhough I am not far from thee


Yet, my mother’s ever generous

She’s the one who used to buy me toys


Like Tatay, she’ll not make me hungry

That’s my parents’ greatest legacy


Besides that, to her I attribute

My college institute


She worked for almost twenty-four hours

Burned too much her delicate eyebrows


I regret I still can’t compensate

Everything she had done for me great


If given chance to reincarnate

I want for myself to be a straight


So that I’ll not be again her guilt!




*First Incubus Collection



My Sibling


When she was born, they think I’m jealous

I used to pinch her skin like pillows


Maybe I am really abnormal

Her screwed up face sometimes makes me smile


Since a baby until she’s teenage

I fill her days with frivolous rage


I hope her misery would end soon

I think to her I am not a boon


In deep reality I feel sad

Everytime when Angel’s not around


Although I cursed her million times

I never regret her birth sublime


She’s God’s blessing whom I should cherish!




*First Incubus Collection





What makes me happy

Is in the end to see

Everyone happy about me


What makes me angry

Is still unclear to me

I need more self-scrutiny


What makes me sad

To quench somehow also hard

Of course – things that are bad


This is simply me!




*First Incubus Collection…I composed these 16 poems while paranoid, thinking that I’m going to die the next time I sleep for it was made after a night of terrible nightmare which I thought I couldn’t be awakened. This series of poems was done in one sitting! I was even absent from work because I felt ill.