Thoughts of You

I was spoiled by lavish thoughts.

They don\'t compare, no not at all.

And had this been the best I might not know

What to do with us.


Thoughts of a happy ending.

Don’t compare to the moment we lived in.

So focused on a perfect future.

I didn’t focus enough on a perfect present.


The air is still hot from our trip to Miami.

Salty from San Diego.

Cold like DC.

Warm like home.


I reminisce on us.

I don’t know if you do too.

The good. The bad.

The beautiful. The ugly.


I miss you.


Feelings draw me to talk to you again.

But feelings stop me as well.


So all I have are the memories.

Some of which you made me get rid of.

How could you take the pictures

When you knew they were all that I would have left.


Since you been gone I’ve been having withdrawals.

You were my favorite color.

You are my favorite hue.



A work of art.

A template that cannot be created.


A gift from God.


But God said I was not worthy of His gift as yet.

He took you

Until I can be deserving of that grace.



The moon and stars could be in my face

But my eyes are meant only for you.

You were a book not meant to be read

But still studied and understood.


Like a precious artifact.

To be handled with care.

To be observed with admiration.

But unlike others not to be displayed.


Because you are more than just an attraction.

You are a work of art

More deserving than the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

But art work can’t see itself. It can feel itself.


I pray you see yourself the way the world sees you.

Precious. Beautiful.

Like a sun rise and sunset.

Like the glimmers of diamonds.


A ruby among cubic zirconia.

A diamond among coal.

A rose among dandelions.

Beautiful beyond comparison.


You say it’s my bias.

You say “yea. To you.”

But what you don’t know is...

It’s to everyone.


So I hold on to the time I had with you.

I’m gracious that I got to hold a diamond.

A ruby.
