H.M. Reynolds, hmrwrites


I know who you are.

It was years ago but

You haven’t changed. Took it

From me, when I was so

Lonely, and still

So worried. Copied

Phrases, words and

Phases. Left to work with

Rotten rigidity as imagination,

Instead of

Free-flowing thoughts. I

Think I recognise you; lost

Scope of true meaning and

Learnt to

Drown in reverse;

Filling your lungs up with air,

Making your mind fit to burst.


Tight. Constrained. Constricted.

You haven’t changed a bit. Everyone

Stays the same, ‘We all

Change, we all lie, we all

Remain sane’.

Lost out to time with your

Loose ends, forever depending on

Different versions of yourself to

Pull through and save you.

I really recognise you. Forever

Crossing out to

Re-do and re-do over (always

Delegating to some future self). Because


How is nothing equated to the

Overwhelming sense of

Analysing everything? Can she

See that you are

Killing yourself with

Two stones, because

The first was thrown in

Retaliation, and the second

Hit the target with the

Weight of experience.