John Lee

Court Day

      Court Day


I see the way you\'re looking at me

Thinking there\'s nothing good in

 what you see


Yeah it\'s true I mean look at you


Chin up shoulders square 

Back straight-up in the chair 


Wearing your skirt as if it\'s a holy gown 

For you to see me you\'d have to look down 


Damn you\'ve never lied cheated or stole 

Face look\'n stiff as if you\'ve lost your soul


You\'re the next best thing to Jesus 



Allergic to bs 

Just look at your mistress 


I see the way she\'s looking at me

Thinking of gett\'n the good out of what

 she see


It\'s true even she hates you


Tricky trick think\'n she\'s slick 

I wouldn\'t with a thief\'s dick


Face looks like a chewed up shoe

Can\'t stand her like I can\'t stand you


Tryna con me to a guilty plea 

Obey and pay to remain free


Probation open isolation 

Residual life long citation 


I hate the offer but that\'s what I\'ll take

It\'s either that or punch you in the face 


Thank you nice doing business with you

Don\'t smile at me it makes me wanna puke 


Back to work to ask for more pay

Boss will understand \'cause it\'s court day


~John Lee