Aa Harvey





Food is ugly, words are false;

Finish your plate or else!

Starving hungry with eyes that cannot see;

Understand, I just don’t want to eat.



Never been a vegetarian;

Bacon is too good at being the best meat.

Open fridge to a room full of emptiness;

Shelves so full of complete blandness, so complete.



Never needed a witness to confess;

Willingly I show you around my head.

My heart and soul may be connected,

But my brain and stomach are not even friends.

They cannot relate, my empty plate,

Wasting away, happy today in my own way.



Too full of apathy to eat.

I see my reflection staring back at me,

In the microwave machine;

The only place I bother to be.



I catch a glimpse of malnutrition,

But do not worry about me,

Or what I eat; I eat to please.

To please the ones who worry, they are sweet,

But I am still so unhealthy.



I am happy when I weigh less than I should be;

Used to have a better body.

Used to be a better version of me;

Used to be somebody.

Those days are gone forever;

Too far gone to remember gladly.



Working hard to find my six pack;

Afraid those days ain’t coming back.

Give it time and it may be;

Only if it happens will you see my body.

This skin on bones I hide with clothes,

This belly should not be a part of me.

I cannot let you see that I have become so flabby.



Happy being skin near slim,

Not fat like that.

The mirror man has never been perfect,

But if only I could reach what I once had.

Weight a while, break the scales,

Walk in the snow, walking for miles.

Heart, body and soul, no place to go;

Striving for perfect,

But those wishes are too shallow.



(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.