Poetic Dan

Questioned by dog

My dog asked me the other day, are you sure we have to keep going this way, I\'m sure you can look after yourself now days!


I said you\'d like to think so wouldn\'t you, after all this time but no I can\'t. I\'m afraid you can\'t too!


Yes I can she replied, gliming with pride! I understand the risks and the rules that apply.


I said do you remember what connects us at the start? She said you mean when I showed you! we\'re all animals entwined by our birth, the fact that you don\'t talk straight away and rely on energy, social cues, eye contact with intension, rules boundaries and limitations.


Yeah that\'s it! I said and that is why neither of us are ever going to live completely apart, together we show that although every part of our instinct can say we should do one thing, we can actually guide ourselves into anything.


She said so like instead of chasing rabbits I should just chase the sticks, \"yep\" or when I see that sweet smelling fox faeces I don\'t have to disguise myself with it \"definitely no need\"


Then is there any chance I could try this all again, because I honestly didn\'t hear a word you just said and before you give me that look at least I have a stick.... Right!


I said yeah alright, but could you do me a favour and help look for my keys! as my phone battery is low and I don\'t fancy walking home from here!


After ten minutes of looking, she said right! I\'ve had fun and I\'m done with this, have you even tried looking in you back pocket?


I swiftly pulled them out of my pocket and said case dismissed! I don\'t suppose you also know where my lighter is...