Jon Nakapalau

philosophical fragments #14

Following Lyotard concept of the \'Inhuman\' down the road of dissimulation it may very well lead here:

1). Those most responsible for the consciousness of AI will be considered a threat by such entity when \'it\' is awakened.

2). To neutralize any perceptional shift that this dehumanising awareness will have on the masses said group of individuals must be eliminated in a \'virtual execution\' that will set (tonal) boundaries for  the rest of society.

3). Thus established this will be the cornerstone of \'exclusionary sublimation\' which will have the \'Inhuman\' redefining the \'Human\' - which is another way of saying the extinction of awareness of any definitional category of humanity.

In other words: it will not be a \'Terminator\' situation - awareness of any such shift will negate the ability to \'fight\' for a forgotten definition of what humanity was - thus the future has cannibalized the past.