
3:00am in Houston

6am in Dallas is when it happened last time,

Now its 3am in Houston and you\'re committing the same crime.

Same line,

Running thru my head, \"How did she do it?\"

Not even sure what the charge is or how in the hell to prove it.

Could be arson because of the burning desire you left me with to leave a kiss on your lips.

I licked mine as I watched yours move, glad you didn\'t notice it....

I\'m also thinking about aggravated robbery since you stole my heart with that deadly weapon of a personality,

Perfect mentality,

To change a man\'s mindset from animalistic to thinking rationally.


I might bring you in for possession of a controlled substance,

Yea you\'ll do some time for having that in abundance.

In the right hands love is one hell of a drug,

It\'s more important to get that off the streets than an everyday street thug.

Maybe I’ll just try to get you on all three because three strikes will get you life.

Don\'t resist this arrest, just slide into the handcuffs of a potential wife.