
Lost in Time


The kind and stimulating comments of \'Thoughts in Time\' on my poem \'Memories in your Mind\' reminded me of this poem which I wrote back in the beginning of this year.

Mahalo and Thank You to \'Thoughts in Time\', hope you and any other reader enjoy \'Lost in Time\'


There are days when I am completely lost in time

But then, the gentle rhythmic sounds of a chime

Brings me back to myself and the forgotten now

Without knowing when I got here or even how

I assume without question that my reality is real

Or is it like an onion skin you slowly peel

To expose many more enticing levels equally strange

Of other realities, possibilities, similarities, or change

Where time may run backwards as it does in my mind

Where the old are young and the seeing are blind

Living snugly in the future looking forward to the past

Within a cocoon of permanence that will not last

It makes me wonder if it is not better to be lost

Than to cling to our perceived reality no matter the cost