
Programmed Robots

Media enticed, social devices 

clowns posing precious life as a game.

Dogs are barking, cats are calling.

The picture is much too large for their tiny frame.


Cant comprehend, only to pretend.

It tends to be in their breed.

An adult in a cradle, unwilling or able.

Like teaching an infant how to read.


Woman defiling, a creeper howling.

Oh how she loves it so good. 

No limitations, only expectations.

Fall in love just from a look. 


A goldfish roams in the shallow of a bowl.

Memory term is short and snub.

Lessons abstain, never to obtain 

of a conscience it lacks thereof.


The biggest bitch with the loudest bark,

usually has the smallest bite.

The man standing in the biggest pile of shit,

is the same to claim he\'s got it right.


Lead the way, breed us out, dumb us down

so we can take pride in our ignorance.