kevin browne

The Seven Sisters...


And I searched through some stars
To find out if you were there above
I sat down on the Moon and Mars
To feel the real presence of God.

Wordsworth, you planted daffodils
And you twinkled on the Milky Way
And then as his heart pleasure fills
His cloud wandered lonely that day.

With Roman wars and their fall
And now it\'s Italy for the apples
As Mona Lisa sits upon her wall
Standing in poets corner battles.

Where once roamed WH Auden\'s heart
And as he walked down Bristol street
His brimming river had played its part
As he wrote until China and Africa meet.

And as Cohen danced till the end of love
He let loose the soul of his beautiful dove
But, O my sweet, what labour is to leave
The death of life was the way to grieve.

They all had a quill upon their minds
To be able to write what the passion was
Paintings of The Dover Cliffs you\'ll find
Where those flocks of clouds fell in love.

Now I\'ve been waiting for 65 years to pass
And I\'ve been writing for a thousand at least
Be immortal and a love that forever will last
Yet, light is for eternity bringing much peace.

And as I walked past the Royal Albert Hall
Harrods shone with delight as their tills fill
With gestures of Mink coats and cats crawl
So let leave alone the animal kingdoms will.

Now to be filled with a heart\'s content
Where grooms and brides say the vows
And if ever you know exactly what it meant
There, right in the middle a love now grows.

Sitting in the heart of what was broken over you
As the Marching Band clout the sound of noise
Sitting in the corner wondering what the hell to do
Whilst Alice In Wonderland played with her toys.

And whilst you wonder from high above
We can float by on a lonely looking cloud
And we\'ll catch that bird filled with its love
As the seven sisters start to squawk aloud.