Nafis Light

My Masked Side – The Joker

Virtue of Courage,
Commonly known as Fearless
in what he does
regardless of the consequences.


Virtue of Fun,
In the desire of a madhouse
and creating disorder
but experiences joy and laughter.


Virtue of Self-Love...Vanity;
Loving the self more than anything
and putting the self above others
and only in the self he sees wonders.


Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, and Jared Leto
Legendary Actors of The Joker;
Cameron Monaghan with his talents as an Actor
Amazingly Portrays The Valeska Twins and Their Joker-Like Transformations.


Blessings to them and future actors of The Joker
including Mark Hamill...the Legendary Voice Actor of this Character;
May the legacy of The Joker lives on
even in the visions of The Joker as the good, the bad, and The Funny For Life.



With Much Love and Gratitude,