Moving out

Wow what a day

I don’t know where to start or what to say

But here I go

My ex asked me for money and I said no

I’d already given her enough money for the bills

She argued with me and inside it still kills

Because I still care

It’s her house but she said I could stay there

She said I could stay till I sort my flat

But today she turned into a bit of a twat

Because I said no to giving her money

She started to be real funny

Told me to get out of her house and leave our dog

So I packed up everything apart from the bog

I had three hours to get everything out

And I smashed it there is no doubt

I got all my things out of the house and stored it at a mates

I took the lot including the plates

The house was empty just in time

I rang the police to make sure what I’m doing isn’t a crime

They told me it’s fine

I’ve taken what’s mine

Which was quite a lot

It made me realise what I’ve got

And I’ve left you alone you started this

Now it’s my turn to take the piss