
Entering the silence

In the silence, your actions can seem so loud,

Your eyes glazed over, your face conveys disinterest,

I calm my frustration, I weather the cloud,

I feel like I\'ve paid for it all, with great interest,


But I have been here before, I know how it goes,

We\'ll speak later, when you decide to open the door,

But I\'ll leave you be, I\'ll just let it flow,

I wont make you feel like, talking was ever a chore,


Maybe I need this space, this moment of silence,

To go deep within for clarity and peace,

There\'s no need for the aggression, no need for violence,

I\'ll weather the storm and wait for it to cease,


For my Love is much greater and I will be a sport, 

I\'m not going to act like I\'m exempt for playing the part,

But where we falter and sometimes fall short,

I will not use words but send love from my heart