Jose Radin Llorca Garduque

My Poems 326 - 350


The Curse of the Dying Sphinx


Welcome to Thebes, you daring traveler!

Because of your wisdom, I have lifted its cover!

Free now you can pass, free now you can enter!


Oh what an insult to the keeper of the gate?

To itself, to is/she is…full of hate!

What a shame? What a madness? What a miserable fate?!


How come that a wretched being like you surpass…

This riddle that for ages no sages encompass?!

What in your brain do you have to provoke such bad ass?!


Oh shame on my face for such a disgrace!

I am like a runner who lost in my own game of race!

Now the time has come to shatter myself like a flower vase!


As I fell into pieces from this glorious pedestal…

I curse your brain that’s whimsical! I curse your eyes that are abnormal!

Embrace this Curse of the Dying Sphinx! Your brain & eyes are fatal!


Behold Oedipus! Witness how a small brain destroys the whole body!

Your brain!...Your odd, little brain…will now be the end of me!

Farewell, Enigma-Breaker! It hurts to see you breaking free!




*Fallen Myths Collection



The Plea of the Blinded Cyclops


Trespasser! How dare you do this to me?!

Now with your blunder no more I can see!

After having my shelter & fodder then you’ll flee!


Ungrateful! I sheltered you but my eye you shattered!

I fed you but my blood you splattered!

Now I will crush you and your nasty herd!


Animals! I will flay you alive once your’re snatched!

I will shred your flesh once you’re clutched!

Don’t know my brutality has never been matched?!


Criminals! You will soon pay for your brutality!

Don’t you know you have enraged thee?!

Thee you have offended…the mighty god of the sea!


Godless! How dare you inflict the son of a god?!

For yourself it’s fruit is really, really bad!

For me my father to you is really, really mad!


Insane! Odysseus, also you deserve a cruel bane!

Poseidon! Hear your son, Polyphemus, wrenching in pain!

Let not this Plea of the Blinded Cyclops fall in vain!




*Fallen Myth Collection



The Shriek of the Decapitated Hydra


Iiiiiiiii…It hurts! How hot is the amputation…

Committed by the blade of your bloody weapon?!

But watch out for the result of your transgression?


Wiiiiiiii…Witness! Here it grows again! See my recuperation!

Now double your trouble! Double your damnation!

Hahahahahahahahaha! Poor Hercules! You’ve got a harder operation!


Iiiiiiiii…Intolerable! Another chop! Another daring action!

Don’t you know it’ll be the same situation?!

Grow! Grow another head! Let’s move on!


Iiiiiiiii…Ignorant man! What a stupid person?!

Do not be blinded by your own illusion!

You have no match for this mighty creation!


Kiiiiiiii…Kill every source of his inspiration!

Let’s end his brave, impossible mission!

He’s nothing compared to our raging union!


Iiiiiiiii…Impossible! Why can’t we carry on?!

Aha! One by one he’s putting us into incineration!

Alas! Oh Lerma! Hear this Shriek of the Decapitated Hydra – a melting iron!




*Fallen Myths Collection



The Howl of the Petrified Minotaur


Ouch!!! Come here you wriggling food!

Pay for destroying my peaceful mood!

Away from the darkness! Go out from your hood!


Let’s see who’s fit for bone-breaking!

Show yourself! Stop your coward hiding!

Do not add to the wrath of this bull raging!


Ouch!!! An ambush from a weaker creature!

I am being beaten in my own lure!

Ridiculous! In this labyrinth, I’m the king for sure!


It is you who must suffer in this domain of mine!

But now I’m the one who fell supine!

Am I the oblation in my own shrine?!


Ouch!!! What pain?! What pain?! My spine is broken!

You, hideous pest, will be crushed once taken!

You, Theseus of Attica, never here a denizen!


Oh mother, Queen of Crete, save me from this murderer!

Do not allow him to tear me asunder!

Listen to this Howl of the Petrified Minotaur – a cursed monster!




*Fallen Myths Collection



The Echo of the Moaning Medusa


Away from my haven, irreverent Perseus!

Your goal in here is too ambitious!

You’re just making yourself ridiculous!


Aiming for my head for your Andromeda mild!

You can never get it even if you get wild!

Just go with your loss like a crying child!


Want me to help you end your misery?!

Why should I care for your doomed country?!

Swallow Poseidon’s judgment for your own stupidity!


No one can use me for their own advantage!

Though my worth is more than that of a sage…

To anyone’s purpose I’ll never ever engage!


Oh how dare you darken the brilliant aura…

Of this gorgon more gorgeous than goddess Athena?!

Oh sisters! Don’t waste this Echo of the Moaning Medusa!


Ah! My neck is bleeding with the edge of his sword!

Slowly it’s harder for me to utter a word!

Behold! I am dying! My vision’s getting blurred!




*Fallen Myths Collection



My Adonis & Hyacinth: My Most Handsome Student


I have written poems of love for community

For God, for family, for nature, for country

But it’s the first one for 1 person like thee


This is the first time that I’m gonna express

The truest beat of my heart – nothing more, nothing less

For a person who truly gives me happiness


Yes, you make me glad everytime I see your face

But it’s your whole body I wanna embrace

This is the first time I feel this kind of craze


Stronger than any previous feeling of infatuation

This one is a different sense of admiration

‘Coz it’s the first & only one that entered my illusion


An illusion called “dream” when I am sleeping

A taste of heaven while I am resting

The highest pleasure for any human being


But again it’s an illusion that never satisfies

The crave of flesh that my soul defies

With such frustration, my whole body cries


Yet, it’s okay if you I cannot have

‘Coz I don’t wanna engage in a forbidden love

And I’ve decided to be just a single dove


A single dove till the day of my demise

I’ll never hope for you even if time flies

You’re just until the reach of my hopeless eyes


It’s enough that you’ve entered my dream

I cannot have you even if I scream

Can’t fill my cup to the brim


Must not drown in the soup of my own

Must not let the sensation pass through the bone

Must not let the magma spill over the cone


Your “Super Saiyan” face is for my eyes only

Even your 6-pack abs and super hero body

Find a perfect girl for your perfect masculinity


Your manliness which first struck me 4 years past

When in Padagyaw you gracefully danced

With your protruding height and muscles robust


Since then everytime I see you, there’s chill inside

But this feeling so shameful I must hide

Myself is overtaken by showy pride


When I was still in Teacher Education

I await the days of examination

‘Coz that would be the chance to see you thereon


And I never imagined that you can be

A student who will be under me

‘Coz I never surmised to be in Criminology


Now that I’m here, I can see you more frequently

How it makes my days complete & happy

From daily stresses you have set me free


With your “astig looks”, first thought you’re a snob

But I was wrong ‘coz you’re cheerful like Sponge Bob

Polite & helpful too…Thanks for being part of my job


Never can I forget the day when you helped me

To correct exam sched & deliver bluebooks that are heavy

Thanks gentleman! You’re marked in my history!


Let me say sorry too for this sensual feeling

I don’t mean to pervert your manly being

You’re just so adorable & captivating


You are the most handsome student for me

No one has surpassed your astonishing beauty

So for my neglect, I apologize heavily


Yes, I regret too the day of not choosing you

To represent our department in Mr. CapSU

That was our big chance to overtake TED blue


For not giving you such big opportunity

To make proud of your handsome face & body

I’m so sorry, a really big sorry


May in the future you’ll find someone

Who will grant your beauty a place in the sun

Never again to be disregarded by everyone


‘Coz of all the men in my fantasy

You are the best! The one and only!

Maintain your stature! Be the best you can be!


Oh my Adonis! Oh my Hyacinth! You’re so bright!

Make your character as noticeable as your height!

Impress and inspire, my Charming Knight!






Persephone’s Petition to Retain Adonis


Oh Venerable Zeus, grant Persephone’s petition to retain Adonis!


I, as Queen of the Underworld, can

Protect his charming body from vicious men

It is here where he found his safest den

Here I’ll protect his flesh from being stricken


Oh Venerable Zeus, grant Persephone’s petition to retain Adonis!


I, as keeper of this handsome lad since his childhood

Seeks for him nothing, but everything that’s good

It is his well-being that lights up my mood

I’ll badly be hurt when he’s hurt by someone shrewd


Oh Venerable Zeus, grant Persephone’s petition to retain Adonis!


Shrewd is his rival for the love of Aphrodite

He will be in great danger with her, can’t see?

Surely from Ares wrath, he’ll experience something nasty

And also with the god of fire, he’ll surely die violently!


Oh Venerable Zeus, grant Persephone’s petition to retain Adonis!


Have mercy! Have mercy! To this youth so fine!

Have mercy! Have mercy! To this youth of mine!

To deadly earth above, don’t allow him to incline

If this bad fate happens, my eyes will emit brine


Oh Venerable Zeus, grant Persephone’s petition to retain Adonis!


Witness me mourn for the loss of this lad!

Do you want the Queen of the Dead to feel bad?

If Adonis is gone, my brain will also be mad!


Oh Venerable Zeus, grant Persephone’s petition to retain Adonis!


From this sanctuary, do not take him away

Do not let my life be in disarray

To make him remain here, tell me the way

I bow, I kneel, I prostrate, I pray!



*Hopelessly Immortal Collection




Aphrodite’s Petition to Regain Adonis


Oh Adorable Zeus, hear Aphrodite’s petition to regain Adonis!


I, the goddess of love & beauty, will

Make sure to the fullest that no one can kill

The charming Adonis who makes me feel

Great beyond any orgasm that’s real


Oh Adorable Zeus, hear Aphrodite’s petition to regain Adonis!


I, as the discoverer of this beautiful creature so rare

Is the first beholder of his countenance so fair

It is I who granted him the first unmatched care

The kind of caress he will acquire only in my lair


Oh Adorable Zeus, hear Aphrodite’s petition to regain Adonis!


His refuge in me never has the stench of death

It’s just like everyday he experiences rebirth

‘Coz there I can render him the greatest of health

Beauty & youth of flesh beyond any mirth


Oh Adorable Zeus, hear Aphrodite’s petition to regain Adonis!


Be vigilant towards the welfare of Adonis, my delight

His bulging muscles are proofs of his radiant might

So alluring to any mortal & immortal sight

No one can also equal his handsome face so bright


Oh Adorable Zeus, hear Aphrodite’s petition to regain Adonis!


That beauty of his can only be cherished

In my realm where beauty never goes blemished

The place that all mortals have ever wished

There the bright sun will keep his body nourished


Oh Adorable Zeus, hear Aphrodite’s petition to regain Adonis!


Adonis’ beauty is not fit for the home of the dead

He is so vibrant from foot to head

Remove him from Hades! To my haven, instead!

There he will be nourished by life-giving bread!




*Hopelessly Immortal Collection



Zephyrus’ Serenade for Hyacinth


Oh precious Hyacinth, in my eyes a jewel

In front of your radiance, my knees fell

You’re like a glistening pearl in a virgin shell

I am enamored by your enthralling spell


Listen everyone to Zephyrus’ Serenade for Hyacinth!


Oh King of Sparta, you bear the tastiest fruit

On the land he is the handsomest youth

This is for everyone a crystal clear truth

That’s why in my heart the arrows of Eros shoot


Listen everyone to Zephyrus’ Serenade for Hyacinth!


Oh precious Hyacinth, you have equaled the glamour of a god

Your face is fairer than any mortal lad

Your muscles are firmer than any man had

Because of such beauty, you make me feel glad


Listen everyone to Zephyrus’ Serenade for Hyacinth!


Oh King of Olympus, let me have this seductive mortal

For him my godly being turned carnal

The appeal of his flesh is oddly unusual

I want him to be mine for time eternal


Listen everyone to Zephyrus’ Serenade for Hyacinth!


Oh precious Hyacinth, under my wings you’ll never fall

Come to the West Wind’s most desperate call

To you I’ll reserve the prettiest room in my hall

The most romantic & blissful haven for all


Listen everyone to Zephyrus’ Serenade for Hyacinth!



Oh deities & humans, grant me this costly man

Boreas, Notus, Eurus, bring me this heavenly Spartan

Let our powerful Anemoi bequeath him from his clan

Turn him over to the Western Wind, his greatest fan!


Listen everyone to Zephyrus’ Serenade for Hyacinth!





*Hopelessly Immortal Collection



Apollo’s Serenade for Hyacinth


Oh beloved Hyacinth, my sparkling youth so fine

More brilliant than all objects that shine

Fit for erecting a sacrificial shrine

Let my whole self be only thine                             


Harken all of you to Apollo’s Serenade for Hyacinth!


Oh citizens of Sparta, offer me your finest twink

In my arms his amorous body will never shrink

Never will he be placed on peril’s brink

His glorious soul under my care will never stink


Harken all of you to Apollo’s Serenade for Hyacinth!



Oh beloved Hyacinth, you will learn a lot in my guidance

For any man of the arts, this is the greatest chance

In music & sports, you’ll surely enhance

You can have the future the power to glance


Harken all of you to Apollo’s Serenade for Hyacinth!



Oh gods & goddesses, behold Hyacinth evolve better

His charming countenance will turn brighter

His adorable assemblage will go stronger

If you give him to me and no other


Harken all of you to Apollo’s Serenade for Hyacinth!


Oh beloved Hyacinth, in my lap you’ll have the greatest nourishment

I will keep you away from any predicament

My healing powers will safeguard you from ailment

Never will your body & soul be in torment


Harken all of you to Apollo’s Serenade for Hyacinth!


Oh mortals & immortals, you will never regret

Hyacinth will flourish if you make me your bet

From me so many he’ll know & get

To you I’ll unveil his being’s greatest secret!




*Hopelessly Immortal Collection



The Seduction of Ursula


Oh Ariel, do you think you can hide from me…

By changing your body’s sexuality?

What a shame? What a timidity?


However, I like the way you transformed your body

Your bulging biceps & chocolate abs attract me

Lol! My raging enmity turned into salivating bestiality!


Hihihi! An octopus being seduced by a fish? So funny!

It’s the greatest abnormality under the sea!

A very big insult to my superiority!


But anyway, come to my tentacles you hot twink so sexy

Hihihi! Feel the loving embrace of your ex-mortal enemy

Aha! Ex-enemy!... Yes! ‘Coz I’m now an admirer of thee!


Oh I forget…I’m still a clumsy bulky lady

Unable to match the strong muscles of thee

Hihihi! So now watch me as I change too my entity…


Hahaha! Here I am, lo! Now a male like thee!

My tentacles’ muscles are no longer flimsy!

I can hug you now so tightly!


Witness oh Triton, as I fuck with your fruity

Hahaha! Gotcha! Oh Ariel, your warm flesh is tasty

Struggle more! It tickles me! Oh so yummy!


Away Flounder! Don’t disturb! We’re fuckin’ busy!

Away Sebastian! We’re doing our business privately!

Hahaha! That’s it, Flotsam & Jetsam! Banish the animosity!


Now come, oh hottie Ariel…let’s go into serene secrecy…

To my private room in this corner of the sea

Where it’s only you and me!


Ah!...This is the Seduction of Ursula! Heavenly gay joviality

A kiss of vascularity on your muscularity

Oh Ariel! You’ve just broken my virginity!




*Disney Characters Sex Change Collection



The Rape of Ariel


Gay Ursula! You, dirty octopus, set me free!

How dare you enjoy my painful agony?!

Deliver me now or you’ll regret raping me!


My rapist, your abominable sadism will cost the life of thee

I’m not joking! You will pay dearly to me

After this your elation, you will cry certainly!


Ah! Sebastian, go tell our soldiers what’s happening to me

Tell them that I am writhing painfully

In the clasp of this octopus so yucky!


Oh! Flounder, go tell our king his son’s calamity

Tell him to make haste in rescuing me

Or I’ll shrink into pieces if you don’t come promptly


Ah! King Triton, my father, rescue me speedily

Ride on the torrents of the sea

To retrieve this so pitiful me


Oh! King Triton, aren’t my eyes tricking me?

Is there a mirage under the sea?

Is that you, my father, who I see?


Oh! Flounder, is that our king in reality?

Gracious! My hero is here! What a relief to me?!

Deliver me now from this agonizing cruelty!


Oh! Sebastian, have you also brought our whole army

To bring down the savage & maniac enemy?

At last! Sealed now is the fate of me!


My rapist, your chastisement has come so aptly

Embrace now the prize of your debauchery

Taste our retribution in fullest intensity!


End now the Rape of Ariel by this creature so stinky

Detach me from the clutches of these tentacles so slimy

Gay Ursula! You’re doomed! Farewell to your savagery!




*Disney Characters Sex Change Collection



The Return of Little Mermaid


Tiptoeing in the darkness of this royal room

Of this ignorant prince soon to be groom

For breaking my heart, I’ll bring you your doom!


Not knowing that I am your true rescuer

Blended with the foolishness of your princess seducer

Equals the union of these two stupid beings forever


Such abomination I’ll not allow to transpire

Now is the time for you to expire

Hah! Breathe your last! Taste death so dire!


Thank you, oh dagger, for making the prince rest

You have also unloaded my heart’s heavy jest

Soon I’ll be back to my primeval nest


Flow royal blood into this vial

You will soon bring my life back to normal

Under the see where it is regal


Farewell cruel world on this land above

Pour prince’s blood onto these silly feet I have

Behold the Return of Little Mermaid to her homeland of love!




*Opposite Endings Collection



The Retake of Snow Queen


Gone! The boy is gone! This cannot be!

That little creature’s presence makes me happy

Now the ice castle is already dark & empty


You, nasty girl, return the boy! Come back here!

Winds of four directions – Boreas, Notus, Eurus, Zephyr

Blow with might and bring back my dear!


Oh obedient gusts, don’t let them go! Don’t make me fail!

Accompany them my tornado, cyclone, storm & hail

Give out your full blast from head to tail


Oh how dare that detestable lass again is trying

To conjure her cheap sorcery for another shameless fighting

We will give her what she wants! I am craving!...


Craving to crush that petite parasite so bold

Who dared to fight & defeat my army so cold

Trespass my palace and snatch the boy I hold


Die Gerda! You’re finished! Embrace your death in our final fight!

Face now my force in its fullest might

Witness the Retake of Snow Queen of my boy of delight!




*Opposite Endings Collection



The Revenge of Match Girl


Never will I allow myself to die in this dim zone

Though the snowy night freezes me to the bone

I will not expire this way all alone!


Come with me my selfish & cold community

As I warm your houses alongwith thee

You also deserve to burn alongwith me!


So rise now, oh match girl and show them your wrath

This is the moment to bring this town to its blood bath

Add pain, subtract life, multiply death, divide homes – perfect math!


Oh little matches, let’s begin with this dry barn – our chance

Let us confound these creatures from exit to entrance

Dodge with my army of flames as they try to advance


From house to house as we paint the town red

Like the fires of hell, like the blood of head

Like the wrath of volcano, like roses on bed


Burn! Leave no trace of this rotten civilization

This is the night of its fated extinction

Watch the Revenge of Match Girl in fullest demonstration!




*Opposite Endings Collection



The Fire of Pirena


Oh Sanggre Pirena, Keeper of the Jewel of Fire

Teach me the cleverness & skill I desire

Cleverness in dealing with my detractors

Skill in defeating my competitors


Share me the blazing desire of Hathoria

To subjugate other tribes & dominate Encantadia

Just like the fire of life – ignite my ambition

So that I can establish fame, power & dominion


Being the eldest offspring like me

Your dominant nature is the hope of family

The light of your fire – oh keep it alive

Against all obstacles – may it make me survive!




*Superhero Collection



The Air of Amihan


Oh Sanggre Amihan, Keeper of the Jewel of Air

Give me the heart of affection & care

Affection for those who deserve mercy

Care for those who are feeling lonely


Impart to me the steadfast heart of Lireo

To stand up against the vileness of foe

Just like the air of life – let me surpass & endure

The calamities & trials that are always there for sure


Being the mother figure among the four fairies

Your arms serve as refuge from all miseries

The touch of your zephyr – oh soothe my burdened heart

Do not allow vexations to set us apart!




*Superhero Collection



The Water of Alena


Oh Sanggre Alena, Keeper of the Jewel of Water

Pour unto me the blood of being kind & sober

Kind towards people who are in need

Sober towards those who have wronged us in deed


Baptize me with the flexible being of Sapiro

To be like an adventurous patriot & hero

Just like the water of life – stir up my spirit

In coping up with both coldness & heat


Being the most romantic of all the siblings

Your indomitable spirit is beyond reckonings

The wave of your tide –oh wash away impurities

Brought by the kiss of filthy enemies!




*Superhero Collection



The Earth of Danaya


Oh Sanggre Danaya, Keeper of the Jewel of Earth

Mark unto me the hope of death & birth

Death of lawlessness & corruption

Birth of a Utopian civilization


Plant in me the true hope of Adamya

To march on with a glistening insignia

Just like the earth of life – oh grant me a yard

Of perpetual blessings like an Elysian orchard


Being the youngest Sanggre of an enchanted land

Your youthfulness puts the future at hand

The fruit of your labor – oh let me partake

While I am alive don’t let it forsake!




*Superhero Collection



My Adoration to Archangel Michael


Oh Archangel Michael, receive my adoration!

Thou who are hailed as “Defender of Faith”

Fight for me against malicious being & malignant wraith

Cover me with God’s blue ray of protection

Be my ardent armor at times of trial & temptation

With your shining sword, cut me from the chains of the devil

From Canadian Rockies at Banff, make haste when my soul is in peril!




*My Angels Collection



My Adoration to Archangel Jophiel


Oh Archangel Jophiel, receive my adoration!

Thou who are known as “Keeper of Wisdom”

Preserve in me the knowledge of heavenly kingdom

Inspire me with God’s yellow ray of illumination

Be my ideal inspiration in every challenging situation

With your luminous lamp, brighten my path towards righteousness

From the Central Plains of China, shower me with unfading brightness!






My Adoration to Archangel Chamuel


Oh Archangel Chamuel, receive my adoration!

Thou who are recognized as “Propagator of Love”

Share with me the

Bless me with God’s pink ray of charity

Be my versatile vessel of kindness & generosity

With your bountiful basket, let my body & soul feed

From St. Louis in Missouri, grant me the grace I need!




*My Angels Collection



My Adoration to Archangel Gabriel


Oh Archangel Gabriel, receive my adoration!

Thou who are heralded as “Harbinger of Divine Revelation”

Reveal unto me the secret of eternal salvation

Cleanse me with God’s white ray of purity

Be my cleansing courier when my sins are covering me

With your truthful tidings, raise me up from the grave

From the Ascension Temple of Luxor in Egypt, deliver your hoping slave!




*My Angels Collection



My Adoration to Archangel Raphael


Oh Archangel Raphael, receive my adoration!

Thou who are proclaimed as “Doctor of the Afflicted”

Remove me from the chastisement of the dead

Wipe me with God’s green ray of healing

Be my miraculous medic when I am suffering

With your saving staff, touch my ailing soul & body

From Fatima in Portugal, cure & rejuvenate me!




*My Angels Collection



My Adoration to Archangel Uriel


Oh Archangel Uriel, receive my adoration!

Thou who are acknowledged as “Ambassador of Peace”

Bring upon me a delivering & forgiving soul free of malice

Illuminate me with God’s purple ray of serenity

Be my placid pacifier when the world is troubling me

With your tranquil torch, enlighten me when my heart & mind are vexed

From the Tatra Mountains, come to me when I am perplexed!




*My Angels Collection