
À propos preponderent passion penning poems... posited puzzling apt aperçu...

While pondering particular

theme to address

amidst tangled webbed mental skein

today November third

two thousand nineteen,

unexpected Möbius strip

tease conundrum unforeseen,

yet as avid aspiring scrivener

only now I became keen,

which theoretical, rhetorical,

philosophical... predicament

may not suddenly find me

flush with green

i.e. profuse legal tender,

but merely thought provoking


puzzlement addresses following quandary

stuck within gray matter of pate

impossible mission to differentiate

jagged fine line between

passion and obsession

case in point strong

affinity to write of late,

cuz yours truly susceptible

toward compulsion that doth not abate,

and mind boggling to wed healthy

love of language analogous as mate

nsync with psychological trait,

viz excessive compulsion

diagnosed years gone

by courtesy professional

mental health specialists, did annotate,

and I admit behavior impossible to satiate,

thus generating aforementioned query

how does one (me) segregate

productive interest versus excessive,

née fanatical all consuming - I narrate

oft times burning midnight oil

(albeit figurative alluded

to mister Arson Wells) witness

as logophile doth painstakingly toil

bajillion cerebral threads to uncoil,

whereby utilizing figurative tweezers

uprooting, untangling rhyme I embroil

(even using Scooby Doo conditioner)

metaphorically beneath mine royal

hirsute (Scottish) matted topsoil

ultimately bringing in top gun

uncannily resembling gargoyle

shape shifting between pop eye

at lightspeed as if

greased with olive oyl

so watch out Bluto,

get ready for turmoil!