Tune: Monks Gate
(\'He who would valiant be\')
Psalm 99
The LORD reigns, let people
Tremble, [be]\'fore Him fall
He sits [be]\'tween cherubim
There be none like Him
And let the earth be moved
His power He has proved
The LORD in Zion great
He of royal state
He high above all people
Let them praise, and call
On His name, it awesome
And holy, here come
To Him, He strong in power
He loves judgement each hour
Equity, righteousness
He does to us bless
The LORD our God exalt
He without a fault
Worship at His footstool we
For He is holy
Moses, Aaron among
His priests, let praise be sung
Samuel midst them who call
On His great name all
They called to Him, He heard
Tended to their word
Spake from cloudy pillar
They did to Him stir
Kept His commands, statutes
And showed forth His good fruits
In lives that did obey
And follow His way
You answered, LORD, your people
Forgave, heard their call
Though you did take vengeance
On evil deeds thence
So the LORD God exalt
He holy, without fault
Here at His holy hill
Seek now His good will