
Beneficent Bread

Tune: Lancashire

(\'The day of resurrection\')

John 6 v.26-36 parts


Labour not for food physical

So much as spiritual

Food, which endures for ever

in short supply never

It to e\'erlasting life endures

From boundless treasure-stores

Christ, Son of man shall give to you

The living bread and true


For God th Father has Christ sealed

In His purpose has willed

That Christ be the bread of heaven

To satisfy us then

He the one came from above

To us here in His love

He gives life to all the world

His plan to all unfurled


He is the bread of life, and who

Do come to Him anew

Shall never hunger, never thirst

They e blessed and not cursed

All who do on Him believe

Forgiveness shall receive

If turning from sins, penitent

Life to the repentant


Come to us Lord, give us this bread

And be our living Head

Help us put you first, the food

You give us, it be good

And so sustained, by grace growing

Thankful for everything

Which you provide, each day fed

By you, the living bread