
Kids Eh?

The telephone rang,

I answered it.

“Da-ad?” she said

In that pleading way.

OK I thought,

What does she want,

What does she want this time!

“You know I’m moving?”

“Yes” I replied hesitantly,

“Can you help me?”

“It depends what it is” I replied,

But of course I’ll try”

“Well” she said,

“I have been to IKEA,

Been and bought some things

And was wondering,

Wondering if I could put them,

Put them in your garage,

Then collect them when I move?”

“OK” I said, “If they are not too big”

“They are all flat packs

So will fit in” she replied.

She arrives in her overladen car

And into the garage went:

Two wardrobes,

Two cupboards,

And two sets of shelves!

“They will be gone when I move

When I move in three weeks” she said.

Off she went,

And there was me with half her house,

Half her house in my garage.


The telephone rang,

I answered it.

“Da-ad?” she said,

In that pleading way

OK I thought,

What does she want,

What does she want this time!

“Can I send one more item,

One more item to your garage?”

She asked.

“OK I said “just one more”

It arrived by truck,

And now apart from half her house

I now have her shed,

Her shed in my garage.

Kids eh?

But I wouldn’t be without them.