Nafis Light

A Loving Side – Heavenly Tears

giving away its leaves for free
for those without blankets by its trunk
during the cold nights of winter.


showering all those below it
out of compassion for those who couldn’t fly
and for those who wish to fly further and higher.


of every creature gives a Gift Out of Love
that symbolizes compassion, devotion, and acts of sacrifice
for the children that will continue to live life without her.


of every creature brings both strength and protection
which are passed on to the sons
so they could be stronger with every generation.


of every creature running wild
collecting dreams and tears
for the future when they transform into something...more than a child.


writing and speaking out of Love and Devotion
towards their path of ‘Living Poetry’
as they are not the writer...but they are POETRY, THE POEM, and The Embodiment of Words And Verses Put Into A Living Motion.


With Love and Love and Blessings,