Kodi Lenhardt

Lone Wolf

Brisk wind blowing across

the remnants of this morning\'s forecast,

blowing down from the mountain tops above. 

Leaves long forgotten and buried

beneath the blanket of white, the musky scent

from the near pine trees consuming the air.


A wolf of elegance and grace,

white fur,

with an ear tipped with black,

makes her way out of hiding from the wooden maze. 

Her three little ones follow closely behind,

until they stop at the edge of the cliff. 


They huddle against her strong limbs, 

muscles prominent and lean from months

of providing for her family. 

They gaze up with their innocent eyes, as her ice blue

orbs survey the land she used to hold control over. 


Her ears perk up as her nose goes into overdrive,

as a rustle from deep within the maze is heard. 

With a tiny growl directed below her, 

paw prints embedded in the snow 

offer a return back to the den. Sunken deep 

into the black abyss, her white tail wrapped

across her little ones, her eyes alert. 


Wolves of blacks, greys, and browns enter

her vision. Canines dripping of blood,

lips pulled back in a snarl.

One lifts its head, and catches the

slightest bit of her blue eyes in his. 


He stares,

attention drawn down to the pups. 

His ears drop slightly,

as his second rank makes his way near the den.

He growls lowly,

and leads his pack away from the mate

he wished to have by his side once more.