Jon Nakapalau

sometimes i think i just hitched a ride from glen campbell

driving away from it all

on the road to a phoenix that never existed
passing kerouac in opposite lane as he stares straight ahead

into the dharma storm that is eye in his soul
so deep that there was never a turning back to anything

passing the town without pity
sheriff pitney leaning up against a vandalized cigar store indian

his face now smooth from sandpaper treaties
then passing lonesome town

ricky just wandering around so lost in forgetting
he does not see the blackface scarecrows following him

Kyu tells us to look up as he walks along the road eating sukiyaki
because mushroom clouds will make you cry radioactive tears

glen is tired and it is getting dark
we turn off democracy highway

and pull into heartbreak hotel
and elvis shakes his head sadly

sorry no vacancy
but just up the road

is a place called hotel california
tell them i sent you

for an everyman discount.