
Humility Before Honour

Tune: St Francis Xavier

(\'My God, I love thee, not because\')

Luke 14 v.7-11


Choose not highest place when invite

You receive with delight

To wedding or some noble feast

Take then place which is least


For if in pride or selfishness

You think of others less

Than you in your self-importance

Your end shall be low stance


For host shall come and say to you

This other man do view

He more honourable than you

So take low place, please do


Then shame, embarrassment you know

For you set yourself so

In a high place, now you are seen

By all as a \'has-been\'!


If taking low place, host shall say

Friend, go higher this day

Then worship, glory, it shall be

Accounted to you, see


For others there shall recognise

Your honesty, no lies

Your humility, exalted

Now you be, at feast fed