Aa Harvey

I will only give encores To an all female audience.

 I will only give encores to an all female audience.



This is dedicated to all the beautiful women in the world;

Especially those I have had the pleasure of meeting.



Oh my!  Maya;

Would you be mine?

I am in love with you truly;

You are the light of my life.



Much love to the beautiful woman with the blonde braids;

To every beautiful face.

To anyone who ever thought I was worthy;

To red hair Rachel from the Surgery.



To Gemma; you are beautiful.

Much love to the Dark Night Girl.

To Vicky you know who,

I will always love you.

To the beautiful redhead who always has a boyfriend;

I’m over you at long last, so let’s just be good friends.



To every gorgeous woman who ever looked twice at me.

For the beautiful black woman, who smiled just for me,

As I turned back a second time, to defy love at first sight.

For Sarah…only thanx for saving my life.



For every woman who I have ever thought beautiful.

I love you all truly; I give you all whatever you wish for.



(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.